Eucharistic Revival

As you know, now more than ever the hurting, suffering world has realized that we do not have all the solutions. They are looking for something / someone who can help them and rescue them. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith: His Real presence in the Eucharist. Through the National Eucharistic Revival, parishes and Dioceses around USA are joining hands in 2022 to begin a grassroots level revival in response to our Lord's invitation.

In line with the US catholic church's efforts, Shalom Media ministry is conducting programs to help restore understanding and devotion to the mystery of Jesus' real presence in the Holy Eucharist. We are organizing 2 hour events at different parishes that include Holy Mass with focus on the Eucharistic Jesus in the Liturgy and preaching followed by powerful guided Eucharistic adoration led by Fr. George Kumblumoottil, O.P.

Upcoming Events
